Created by Fayyaadh Adams with input from other maintainers

Project Health

The project is fairly new to the Hyperledger Ecosystem however we continue to have steady contributors. We are currently not on the LFX dashboard yet and are waiting to be added to gain further insights. In the last three weeks alone, we have seen 3 new contributors (not code related) show up and additional usage of our code within production environments ( - production use case).

Questions/Issues for the TOC

Is there a way to access funds for open source contributions and development?


  • Identus V2.12
    • Identus Cloud Agent - V.1.33.0
    • Identus Mediator - V.0.14.2
    • Identus Apollo - V.1.2.14
    • Identus Edge Agent SDK TS - V.5.1.0
    • Identus Edge Agent SDK KMP - V.3.0.0
    • Identus Edge Agent SDK SWIFT - V.6.0.0
    • Identus Docs - V.1.92.0

Overall Activity in the Past Quarter

The main focus this quarter, and continuing into the next, is to achieve a rich set of features within Identus. The contribution of the code base from IOG to Hyperledger was completed in early July 2024. Initially it was only the cloud agent repository that was part of Hyperledger that started out as the Open Enterprise Agent Lab. The rest of the repositories were public repositories in IOG and has since been migrated to Hyperledger.

The mailing list is not the primary tool for discussions, instead we encourage discussions and questions within the relevant Discord channels. To enhance support for community members, we have enlisted the CommunityOne bot, which is trained on the Identus documentation. This has been extremely helpful for developers seeking immediate answers when a contributor or maintainer is unavailable. The majority of development now is to get to feature complete and fix existing bugs that get reported by the community.

We currently utilize two Discord servers: the Hyperledger Discord and the Atala Discord. The Atala Discord has seen significantly more engagement. Since January 2024, our membership has grown from 258 to 476 members. On average, there are 348 activities across various channels monthly, with about 39 users online daily. We are currently encouraging people to utilize the Hyperledger Discord instead of the Atala Discord.

Current Plans

As previously mentioned, the team will focus on enhancing the features of Identus. This entails enabling the mediator to become production ready, OIDC for Verifiable Credential Issuance (OID4VC), revocation mechanisms for JWT, Universal Resolver for Prism DIDs, Implementation of user level events in SDKs and much more. This is constantly shared with the contributors and maintainers in order to come to a general consensus.

Community is also encouraged to log feature requests, issues etc and this is then incorporated into a roadmap that is transparent for everyone to see

Maintainer Diversity

We currently have 24 maintainers with 2 maintainers from outside of IOG. We aim to expand the external maintainers list in the future

Contributor Diversity

At the moment, the main contributors of source code is IOG. Other organizations have given additional on feature request ideas such as Ahau and Socious. While we have other organizations such as C-Sign developing books specifically aimed at developers wanting to develop with Identus. The book is expected to be completed next year

Additional Information