Project Health
The Hyperledger Cello Project is in good health, with the recent release of version v1.0.0-GA. This version addresses bugs found during the testing of v1.0.0-RC and enhances the user interface.
- Fixed the issue of Docker container startup sequence;
- Simplifed the UI by eliminating the secondary menu in navigation and integrating new font sizes and logo;
- Fixed the incorrect error message prompt.
Questions/Issues for the TOC
There are currently no outstanding issues.
- v1.0.0-GA was released in October 2023.
- v1.0.0-RC2 was released in September 2023.
- v1.0.0-RC1 was released in June 2023.
- v1.0.0-beta1 was completed in November 2022.
Overall Activity in the Past Quarter
The team was working mainly on the remaining work for the 1.0.0-RC release.
- Testing and fixing bugs;
- Enhancing user interface;
- Developing the chaincode’s APIs and user interface, including upload and installation operations;
- Improving documentation.
Current Plans
Next steps include:
- Complete the v1.1.0 release in Q1, 2024, which will feature more chaincode operations, including approve and commit.
Maintainer Diversity
Currently, there are 4 maintainers, and active developers who consistently contribute to Cello (for at least 3 months) may be nominated as new maintainers:
Baohua Yang (Oracle) Feng Yang (H3C) Yuanmao Zhu (Coinbase) Xichen Pan (University of British Columbia)
Contributor Diversity
In this quarter, the team merged 22 pull requests and closed 9 issues. There are a total of 35 commits from 8 contributors, with 2.05 K lines of code change.