Project Health

  • Hyperledger Solang development is going well. Work on the Soroban target is carried out, with the supervision of the Stellar Foundation.

  • Solang Playground now supports compilation in the browser, marking the second milestone of the Web3 Foundation Grant as done.

Questions/Issues for the TOC

There are no issues at this time.


  • Hyperledger Solang v0.3.4: Athens, is currently being worked on by Cyrill Leutwiler. It is not yet published.

Overall Activity in the Past Quarter

For Solang

  • For the newly added Soroban target, work on supporting a counter.sol contract was underway. The purpose was not only to support simple contracts, but to build a skeleton whereby new functionality can be easily added to Soroban contracts.

  • Vendor forge-fmt into the Solang repository, as the published forge-fmt is out dated, not maintained, and depends on an old version of solang-parser.

For Solang-playground

  • Work on supporting compilation in the browser was carried out, and submitted to W3F for review.

Current Plans

  • Work on Soroban target till maturation.
  • Improve Solang Playground UI/UX, making it more visually attractive.
  • Make content involving Solang/Solang-Playground, including Tutorials, Video content, documentation improvements, etc …

Maintainer Diversity

Alongside the four active maintainers Sean Young, Lucas Steuernagel, Cyrill Leutwiler, and Salaheldin Soliman, it is worth mentioning that Solang Playground has added a new maintainer: Tarek Naser, once a hyperledger mentee.

Contributor Diversity

Most contributions were made by core maintainers, alongside some issues being solved by community members.

Additional Information

None at this time.