Project Health

2024 Q2 LFX Insights for Hyperledger Caliper

  • 2 active maintainers
  • Questions on Discord and GitHub are periodically answered
  • Contributor discussions happen mostly on Discord
  • The mentorship projects have started in June, the first contributions are on their way

Questions/Issues for the TOC

Not at this time.


The latest stable release is v0.6.0; we’re also continuously publishing unstable releases after every merged PR (no new releases):

Overall Activity in the Past Quarter

List of merged PRs (28)

Summary of activities:

  • Publish v0.6.0 with a security fix
  • Documentation improvements/fixes
  • Removing legacy components
  • Updating dependency versions

Current Plans

The two main goals for the next quarter is to migrate the documentation to the suggested Hyperledger template, and to increase the test coverage of the core components. Both plans are carried out by the running mentorship projects.

Maintainer Diversity

Hyperledger Caliper maintainers in 2024 Q2 (unchanged compared to the previous quarter):

  • Dave Kelsey (IBM UK)
  • Attila Klenik (NTCA BME, Hungary)

Contributor Diversity

Contributions from maintainers, the community and the mentorship project mentees.

Additional Information
