2016 03 25 TSC Minutes

Hyperledger Project

Technical Steering Committee (TSC) Meeting

A recording of this meeting exists but the file has been moved and cannot be located by Cisco Webex.

March 25, 2016 (8:00am - 9:00am PT)

F2F in Brooklyn & via WebEx

TSC Members

Name Company Status
Emmanuel Viale Accenture N/A
Stefan Teis Deutsche Boerse Group Present
Pardha Vishnumolakala DTCC N/A
Chris Ferris IBM Present
Mic Bowman Intel Present
Richard G. Brown R3 N/A
Stan Liberman CME Group Present
Tamas Blummer DAH Present
David Voell J.P. Morgan Present
Hart Montgomery Fujitsu Present
Satoshi Oshima Hitachi N/A


Readouts from Technical F2F

  • Recording available of readouts from Technical F2F, which took place prior to TSC Meeting

Getting to a Code Base

  • A team at the hackathon developed a PoC for a merged code base
  • This team demonstrated their PoC work
  • The team noted that they pivoted slightly from the original plans once the pulled code together and merged
  • The net result is that they found a more elegant solution in the process

Open Discussion

  • Comment about identity issues. Talking about federation and very different requirements… are we supporting multi-sig, what are wallet requirements, regulatory issues (hardware, tokens, etc.), privacy issues (i.e. Europe vs. US), This will affect all of our Federations. If we create a lot of different chaincodes with authority being granted by those chaincodes, how does that work? Suggested to TSC to determine where identity fits into the project.
  • The TSC discussed general topics of the relationship of HLP protocols, code and architecture. There was interest in eventually creating a way to pass cryptographic proofs with a protocol for exchanging.

Next Steps

Future F2F

  • Plan to have another F2F in roughly 1 month’s time.
  • Preference for east coast – though may want to move GEO around