Project Health
V1.0.0 version has been released.
- The new dashboard with operations on users, orgs, channels, and nodes;
- New agent design and docker agent implementation are done;
- Finish the API Engine.
Questions/Issues for the TOC
- v1.0.0-beta1 is done in November, 2022.
- v1.0.0-GA has been released in May, 2023.
Overall Activity in the Past Quarter
The team was working mainly on the remaining work for the 1.0.0-GA release.
- Testing and fixing bugs;
- Finishing the node operations;
- Rewrite the installation scripts;
- Improve documentation.
Current Plans
Next steps include:
- Finish the v1.1.0 GA release in 2023, which will include more operations of chaincode, for example upload, install, approve, and commit.
Maintainer Diversity
Current there are 3 maintainers, and those active developers who contribute to Cello continuously (3 month) may be nominated as new maintainers.
- Baohua Yang (Oracle)
- feng yang (H3C)
- Yuanmao Zhu (Coinbase)
Contributor Diversity
There are a total of 18 commits from 5 contributors in past quarter, with 10.01 K lines of code change.