2020 Q2 Hyperledger Grid

Created by Andrea Gunderson, last modified by Gari Singh on Jun 11, 2020


Hyperledger Grid:   https://www.hyperledger.org/use/grid

Project Health

Health is good.  The Splinter backend has been updated to use Splinter 0.4 which was recently released, so both Sawtooth and Splinter backends use stable platforms. A Grid UI is now available for Products.

Questions/Issues for the TSC

There are no specific issues at the moment.


No prior releases.

Overall Activity in the Past Quarter

Much of the activity has centered around Product UI development. The approach taken is modular so that the UI can be consumed as a component in an application which uses Grid as its underlying platform.

The remaining activity was keeping pace with Splinter development and eventual switch to Splinter 0.4.

The main source of engagement is still the Hyperledger Ch”at #grid channel .

Current Plans

With the completion of the Product feature, future initiatives are currently being planned.

A likely avenue of development is to make Grid more consumable for applications using it, based on feedback being received.

There is work happening in Transact around smart contract APIs which we would like to adopt in Grid as it becomes available.

Maintainer Diversity

The list of active maintainers for Hyperledger Grid currently remains unchanged.

We anticipate adding additional maintainers as contributions increase for areas currently in development.

Contributor Diversity

Sponsoring organizations that are actively contributing to Grid include Cargill, Target, GS1, and Bitwise IO.

Additional Information

Reviewed by


This project seems more like product development than an open source project.

"Much of the activity has centered around Product UI development."

"With the completion of the Product feature, future initiatives are currently being planned."

If the main source of engagement is the #grid channel, there seems to be precious little if any the past 4 months.

Posted by ChristopherFerris at Jun 10, 2020 19:17

Product there refers to the component of Grid which enables sharing product definition data between companies, not "Grid is a Product". Lots of cross-company activity/discussion the last few months, though as you note not a lot of that happened on RocketChat unfortunately.

Posted by amundson at Jun 10, 2020 20:36

Thanks for the clarification

Posted by ChristopherFerris at Jun 11, 2020 14:21