Project Health

The Hyperledger Cello Project is in good health, with the recent release of version v1.0.0-RC, which includes essential dependency upgrades and bug fixes.

v1.0.0-RC upgrades the Cello dashboard’s Node.js version, supports Apple Chip Machines for local development, and refines the Readme documentation.

Questions/Issues for the TOC

There are currently no outstanding issues.


  • v1.0.0-RC2 was released in September 2023.
  • v1.0.0-RC1 was released in June 2023.
  • v1.0.0-GA was released in May 2023.
  • v1.0.0-beta1 was completed in November 2022.

Overall Activity in the Past Quarter

The Cello project received 6 new issues on GitHub and has already resolved 5 of them. We’ve nominated a new maintainer, Xichen Pan, to join the project. The team has been working on the technical design of Chaincode operations and welcomed 3 new interns to the project.

Current Plans

In this quarter, the team will focus on implementing Chaincode into the Cello project, with the goal of completing this feature by the end of the year. Additionally, the team onboarded 3 interns and encouraged their participation in development.

Maintainer Diversity

Currently, there are 4 maintainers, and active developers who consistently contribute to Cello (for at least 3 months) may be nominated as new maintainers:

Baohua Yang (Oracle) Feng Yang (H3C) Yuanmao Zhu (Coinbase) Xichen Pan (University of British Columbia)

Contributor Diversity

In this quarter, the team merged 10 pull requests and closed 5 issues. On the current development branch, there have been 2.05K lines of code changes with 35 commits.