Antitrust Policy Notice All are Welcome in the Hyperledger Community

Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit our Code of Conduct: Hyperledger Code of Conduct


Quarterly reports

Past due reports

  • 2024 Q2 Hyperledger Caliper (due June 20, 2024)

Upcoming reports


  • Preparation for LF Decentralized Trust
    • Project charters (reviewed the Hyperledger Cacti example)
    • Governing Documents - Volunteers to review and see which need to be changed
      • Hyperledger Foundation Allowed Third Party Licenses - Jim
      • Project Lifecycle - Jim
      • Project Annual Review - Stephen
      • Project Incubation Exit Criteria - Tracy
      • Project Updates - Marcus
      • Maintainer and Repository Inactivity - Arun
      • Release Taxonomy - Peter
      • Security Policy - Tracy
    • Guidelines - Determine which, if any, should be considered governing documents instead of guidelines
      • Common Repository Structure - Move to Governance - Rama
      • MAINTAINERS Guidelines - Move to Governance - Rama
      • Project Incubation Entry Considerations - Leave as Guideline - Yacov
      • Project Best Practices - Leave as Guideline - Dave
      • Raising an Issue - Move to higher level - Tracy
      • Task Force - Move to Governance - Conor
      • GitHub Contribution Guide - Leave as Guideline - Dave


Upcoming TOC meetings

Please check the calendar

Attended by

  • Marcus Brandenburger
  • Stephen Curran
  • David Enyeart
  • Tracy Kuhrt
  • Yacov Manevich
  • Matt Nelson
  • Venkatraman Ramakrishna
  • Arun S M
  • Peter Somogyvari
  • Conor Svensson
  • Jim Zhang